第一眼看這 MV 的時候,筆者真的要多看幾眼去看清是否奧巴馬總統, 這個宣傳招數果然奏效,由05年,美國國務院選擇了 Hip Hop
音樂作為外交手段之一,很多Hip Hop 歌手,
Dancer ,DJ被派往了非洲,亞洲和中東地區表演。美國國務卿 Hillary Clinton 表示:“Hip Hop
Urbanation.Hong Kong is an interactive communication channel launched by Justice Family in 2010. It is the first HK-based interactive space with a focus on urban culture and music. The objective of Urbanation.HK is to inspire, inform, and stimulate discussion among the youth in Hong Kong in various means. In this current chaotic state of the world, the future of our world lies in the hands of the youth. Urbanation.HK looks to provide the young generation with news, insights, and tutorials of urban culture from our perspective.
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